I shared before this in the article – “THE BEGINNING OR IT IS THE END?” on how I started my journey to create my website. Now I finally have it running and I want to keep it active as long as I can with all the lesson of life of mine or others.
What I did, still remember? Else do visit or revisit “THE BEGINNING OR IT IS THE END?”.
What’s next then? Do not limit yourself there! Always look for progress! Even if it is just a small step. Build your momentum!
How then can you then from SOMETHING TO BE MORE THINGS? Let’s begin with simple 1, 2 & 3 steps.

2. Affirm It!
3. Do It!
Just 3 simple questions: -
Go on, SAY IT! I will share some of the coaching questions below.

Some of the coaching questions I would be asking: -
- What is the stopper? (Should you have limiting believe like I am still not good enough yet, perhaps a NLP/Time Line TherapyTM (TLTTM) Coach can work with you.)
Note: I will share more on what is Limiting Believe and also TLTTM - How can you overcome yourself to the stopper?
- What can be the motivator(s) for you to keep on moving?
- How can you keep yourself motivated to keep going?
These are purely suggestions and also those questions will be really depending on the flow of the coaching conversation. If there does not resonant to you, perhaps you already have answer to yourself how to move one. Remember the best person that hold the best resources is always YOU!
People have all the Resources they need to succeed and to achieve their desired outcomes. (There are no un-resourceful people, only un-resourceful states.
(U) You are in charge of your mind, and therefore your results (and I am also in charge of my mind and therefore my results).
The Presupposition of NLP