CHANGE Coaching Program
What makes MIND the emphasis? Think again! Great you have entered the first step to start thinking!
BEING AT CAUSE. Working towards what is YOURS! As victory belongs to the person who OWNS it! That's about responsiblity, accountability and ownership. The one you need to beat in performance is really yourself. Your compatitor is just your target to beat. The one that decide to move on or to give up is YOU. So BE AT CAUSE.
BELIEF. What is your belief about yourself in winning? What is your FEAR (False Evidence Appear Real)? What is STOPPING YOU?
VALUES. Is performance important for you? What is important to you when come to performing at best? Even if you know, how you know UNCONSCIOUSLY that these values really support you in performing? VALUES. Is performance important for you? What is important to you when come to performing at best? Even if you know, how you know UNCONSCIOUSLY that these values really support you in performing.
STRATGIES. What strategies you need to have in order for you to perform?GOAL. What is the goal that you want to out-perform?
Unconsious Mind & Conscious Mind integration.Conscious Mind is the GETTER and Unconscious Mind is the Motivator to get to your desired outcomes.
Minor Adjustment. Once the above are worked on. There will still be 6 - 9 follow up sessions or minor adjusment (sometime could be big) depending how willingly you work.
I can be reached through eMail or Let's Connect